Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Block model pictures

Our unique photographs of the College architectural block model give a realistic idea of scale, mass and density of the proposed redevelopment. Note the potential height of the new buildings in comparison to our homes and surrounding trees, all of which are to scale according to City College Norwich Project Staff. You can click on each image for a closer look.

View from Grove Walk looking West (Note the height of proposals in relation to our homes in the foreground)

View from corner Ipswich Road / Ipswich Grove (Again note the height and scale of the proposals)

View from corner Grove Walk / Grove Avenue (Again note the height, scale and density of the proposals against our homes to the left of the picture)

Overhead Plan View (The overpowering density and mass of the proposals can be seen from this view clearly showing the proximity to the boundaries of the development and the size of the car park at the bottom left of the picture. We see no apparent "Concertina Effect"words regularly used by City College Norwich Project Staff including the Principal to attempt to reduce the impact on us of the overpowering density of their redevelopment. In effect it exemplifies the size of these proposals on the restricted Ipswich Road island site)

Overhead View from Cecil Road / Grove Walk looking North (note above comments apply)

View from Town Close / Ipswich Road
(Again the overpowering scale and mass of the development can be seen from this view. Note size and scale of the proposed car park to the top of the picture. Also note the scale of the buildings to the left and right of the picture relative to the size and proximity of our homes. We understand the proposed uses of these buildings to be:- to the left- the site main entrance, leisure centre and swimming pool and to the right- the proposed use is for technology i.e. workshops) -Note the architectural model makers license in showing just 5 cars (click image for a closer look) to the top deck of the car park. This deck is designed to accommodate over 300 plus cars with a further 300 plus cars to the deck below. The new site is designed to accommodate 740 spaces on completion, but on the 08/04/2008 at 12.30pm over 800 cars were counted on the site with some further spaces still available.

Overhead View from Grove Walk looking West

Overhead from Ipswich Grove looking South